11 days into 16/17 upper and 16/34 lower Invisalign and I must confess that I’m getting nervous. Don’t get me wrong, my teeth have moved. The difference from 6 months ago is almost unbelievable. The thing is though that they aren’t quite there. My uppers, which have only one set after this look great from the front- almost perfect, but from the side there is one particular area that I still don’t like.
My front right tooth that was twisted slightly at the beginning of all this still isn’t quite lined up how I would like it to be and the crown next to it still has a gap. Also, regular readers might remember that there was one area that my ortho and I disagreed on with one of my back molars.
He thought one tooth should come down and I thought another should go up to make them line up. Having almost completed the upper arch I am sticking to my guns! I think that tooth needs to go up, so that will be one of my refinements.
Here are pics of the teeth I am talking about. I’ll let you know if there is any improvement during the last set.

>I'm not 100% happy with my result pre refinement either! hehee, lets hope our refinements will make us happier. 🙂