Invisalign updates

An Invisalign Braces Update- More Invisalign Before and After Pictures..

Those of you who are long time readers will know that my top teeth are finished…kind of. I am wearing a retainer only at night these days on my upper arch, waiting until my bottom teeth are finished. At that point we will tweak anything on the top that needs it at the same time …

An Invisalign Braces Update- More Invisalign Before and After Pictures.. Read More »

Compliance, Compliance, Compliance. Why Invisalign Compliance Is Key!

After all of the turmoil from losing my Invisalign when on holiday I was absolutely terrified about going to see my orthodontist. Not because he is particularly fearsome or because I thought he would lecture me- he’s a pretty laid back kind of guy fortunately, but because I thought he would tell me that I …

Compliance, Compliance, Compliance. Why Invisalign Compliance Is Key! Read More »

Invisalign Before And After : set 28 update Pictures

A picture speaks a thousand words- you know the old cliche… so I thought I would confine this post mostly to pictures. These are photos of my teeth before I started treatment and after 28 sets of Invisalign braces. I have one more upper refinement before I have finished with this run and I have …

Invisalign Before And After : set 28 update Pictures Read More »